Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fat Loss 4 Idiots- Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is rated the top weight loss program by many experts, as it is considered the most effective, simple yet sustainable.It used to be known as Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

How does Fat Loss 4 Idiots work?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots offers you 2 options- Regular or Vegetarian diet plan. You are given a food list where you pick 14 that you like to make up your 11 daily meal plans(4 meals a day)Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not a low calorie, not a low fat and not a low carb diet. The system uses a technique called Calorie Shifting. This means that your body will be given different types of calories each day which confuses your metabolism and forces FASTER fat loss to happen.

Good Points about Fat Loss 4 Idiots

#The meal plans are very simple. You are allowed to add sauces or seasoning.

#The menus are planned for you, so there's no hassles planning what to cook for you and your family

.#You can lose up to 9 lbs in 11 days. After you finish one cycle, you are allowed 3 "cheat days" which basically means you can eat whatever you want.Then you can start the cycle again until you reach your target fat loss

#There's no calorie counting, no carb counting. All you have to do is follow some simple rules and 11 days of basic meal plans.

#Fat Loss 4 Idiots is relatively cheap(about $20) and you only pay a one time fee unlike Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig where you have to pay weekly or monthly fees.

#It's a good jump start diet plan if you seriously want to change your weight.

Bad Points about Fat Loss 4 Idiots

#The menus are boring and hardly appetising though you are allowed to add condiments or sauces

.#There is a lot of protein in the meals and some people might find this difficult for their body to adjust.#One of the rules says that you eat only to satiation. This could be difficult for some people.

#The website does not offer support, message board or email.

Final Verdict

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is really very simple to follow- no complex science or wordy explanations. Though it's not a one size fits all type of diet, most people will find it do-able or workable. Can you really lose 9 lbs in 11 days? This, in my opinion is a big claim but most people will have no problem losing 5 to 7 lbs in that length of time. You will lose weight following the diet but if you jump back to your old eating habits after completing one or two sessions, you will most likely put your pounds back on. However, you can maybe change to similar patterns like Fat Loss 4 Idiots to give yourself more varieties.For about $20, to lose weight and change your image is something worth spending.

Click here to go to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots website

Fit Yummy Mummy- Review

Fit Yummy Mummy is developed by Holly Rigsby, a CPT and enthusiastic mom , after 3 1/2 years of trials and errors, specially for mothers who find it difficult to get rid of their baby fat after having children. In this ebook, Holly shows you how you can

#Reclaim your tight body and butt
#Tone your arms, legs, and abs
#Reverse the aging process
#Lift your glutes
#And perk up your chest

All in under 90 minutes per week

This is what one of her clients said

“Ever since giving birth I have carried extra weight around. I continuously failed at all the different diets out there. As my 30th birthday was quickly approaching I decided to get SERIOUS! Since I began the Fit Yummy Mummy program, I have lost and kept off a total 28 pounds! I know I will continue to lose more and gain a healthier, longer life with my new lifestyle changes."
Trena Floyd, Mother of a beautiful 8-year old daughter, Elizabethtown, KY
1) The Busy Mom’s 7-Step Quick-Start Essentials Program
2) The Fit Yummy Mummy Guide to Fast & Easy Meals
3) New Mom’s Jump Start Beginner Workout Program
4) The 6-Minute Circuits Emergency Workout Plan
5) The Dramatic Dress Size Reduction Diet
6) The Secrets to Being a Stylish Mom Without Spending a Hollywood Fortune
7) The MomsTown “How to Get Organized” MP3 Audio Program
8) Fool Proof Nutrition Guide for the Fit Yummy Mummy and Child
9) The Cellulite Cure
10) Meal Plans 101